AMS Analitica
AMS Analitica deals with device production and distribution to monitor air and workplace parameters, environment and chimney emission control. Our constant pursuit developing optimal solutions it is our business focus. This process makes more and more reliable sampling and ultimate analysis phases.
We are distributing prestigious brands over Italian area for more than a decade, up to compensate any kind of sampling strategy with clear and efficient answers.
Principally we have three fractions to check atmospheric pollution:
Ambient sampling: from dust fractions PM10 and PM2,5 to more difficult toxic pollutants determination like Dioxins, Furans, IPA and PCB. Those samplings are able to be performed with AirFlow HVS high volume samplers. Since many years this device became a standard reference into national and international panorama, and to the sequential and single PTS and PM samplers standing into DustCheck DPM line.
Workplace sampling: our best seller products, which through exclusive distribution in Italy for Gastec and SKC materials, they have confirmed world leader brand also in the italian market. To this product series we have also put side by side a complete AirCube™ sampling series, able to perform sampling in workplace spaces, to estimate inhalable dust fractions and PM fraction, and devices for mounting asbestos airborne fibers.
Chimney emissions sampling: A new isokinetic samplers line and their probes, dedicated to chimney sampling, in compliant with european and international normatives, features the entire new line of products. From assembling and integrable sampling lines with each others, with devices for direct revelation heavy metals emission parameters, dioxins and furans, inorganic acids, mercury, dusts and particle fractions PM.
AMS Analitica has a new Filters Membrane catalogue totally finalized to air monitoring. A full product line with a complete set of membrane filters in several different materials.
Environmental samplers with high volume technology, which allows the sampling of significant quantities of sample in a flow range between 100 and 1400 liters per minute, able to allow users to obtain extremely sensitive analytical results.
The AirFlow HVS line integrates a consolidated system with a unique modularity, with a line of preselectors entirely designed and built by us at our headquarters in Pesaro. A tool that transfers the national and international experiences of our technical and commercial operators to the end users.
From the measurement of PM10, PM2.5 (EN-12341: 2014 and US EPA Cfr. 4 Part. 50.11) PM1 up to the sampling of organic micro pollutants on double adsorbent layer (ISO-12884 US EPA TO-4A, 9A and 13A), completing everything with the version for total dust and radioactivity. A really complete trusted product line with a recognized quality world wide.
DustCheck DPM series medium volume environmental samplers, which include a group of instruments for fine particles PM10, PM2.5 (EN-12341: 2014 and US EPA See 4 Part. 50.11), PM1 and the total dust fraction (VDI 2463): four options available, two with 16 and 5 position multiple sampling filter device (DPM16 and DPM5), one with single filter (DPM1) based on US EPA requirements (Cfr. 4 Part. 50.11) and a portable option including the combined PM + PUF inlet (VDI 3498) tripod mounted with an AirCube sampler. To these must be added the combined version for mobile vehicles and DPM16P monitoring cabins. All versions are able to be configured with TUV certified size selective inlets for PM10 and PM2.5, compliant with European and US EPA requirements.
Low volume environmental samplers for sampling with sorbent tubes for chemical desorption and thermal desorption. Monitoring of VOC, Formaldehyde, PAH. Our Gaschek Basic and Gaschek Pro samplers are able to sample up to a maximum of 12 sorbent tubes supports and in sequential mode. Available in the outdoor version and for environmental mobile vans and cabinets.
Portable constant flow air samplers, from the AirCube line, ideal for all environmental sampling applications or for industrial emissions controls. Different options available, for flow ranges and features for sampling management, which can be powered by standard AC power connection or with dedicated battery packs, easily adaptable to all needs of even less experienced users. The new high volume portable AirCube Puf sampler, completely redesigned, to meet market demands, with a real wide flow range and strong back pressure compensations feature: really portable and easy to approach, available with the newest touch screen electronic board. Last, the new AirCube PM, a single filter PM sampler combined in a water proof case available for PM and
PAH sampling based on European and US EPA regulations.